Я уже писал про серию Seifuku no Ojisama. Они взялись за выпуск драмок .‿‿. И первая с Фудживарой-саном, который в роли доктора, вышла .‿‿. Дата: 25.09.2013
Зашибись ивент по ёё, факин осом! 「ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 オールスターバトル」発売前夜祭ツ!
Там был Сугитан мимосугинилом! А эти уроды над ним-задротом издевались. Сугиван И они показали превью асб с Лизой-Лизой и старым Джозефом. Это тоже осом. Когда уже весь бдрип выйдет пересмотреть. И третий сезон. Да мангу дочитать.
А еще внезапно стало тащить от Ватару ака рыбка. Это что-то как-то странно.
У меня какая-то хрень в дневнике, хочется удалить большинство записей. Посмотрел, что еле начавшееся упарывание по Фудживаре-сану затухло сразу. Вспомнил почему: у него слишком много шипящих и свистящих в предложении, которые откровенно звучат неудачно.
Сменился с Еси на Габена. с описание Ваш соционический тип. Тест института им. К. Юнга
Набрано баллов: 9
Сенсорно-логический интроверт (СЛИ) — Мастер (Габен)
Описание И. Вайсбанда
1. «Айсберг в океане». Упрямый, замкнутый, почти всегда одинаково холодный и загадочный. Движения спокойные, точные, исключительно экономные. Со стороны кажется, что достигнутый результат всегда больше затраченных усилий. Неброское тихое упорство при обязательном завершении всего начатого, внутренняя ответственность за дело и скромность.
2. Талантливая лень. Он не Дон Кихот — бесцельно работать не станет. Прирождённый изобретатель, но с внедрением своих идей не торопится, пока не созреют условия для максимальной отдачи. Гордится своим умением не заниматься тем, что не приносит пользы. Обожает комфорт, удобства. При совместных с кем-то действиях всё мило и ненавязчиво устраивается так, как удобно ему. В достижимой для него области пространства всё организовано идеально для работы и отдыха. Эстет, полностью доверяющий своему вкусу. Одевается очень аккуратно, со вкусом, но не вызывающе. Чувствительная кожа; «принцесса на горошине» — это про него.
3. Сдержанная эмоциональная насыщенность. Именно склонность скрывать эмоции под маской недоступности и холодности придает им тонкую отшлифованиость и даже выразительность (В. Высоций, А. Миронов, А. Челентано). Спокоен при всех обстоятельствах, но по-разному. Остаётся холодно недоступен, когда любит. Не спешит поверить в чувства своего несколько легкомысленного дуала (Гексли). Очень ревнив и недоверчив: панически боится, что его эмоции будут выставлены на посмешище. В опасных ситуациях упрямо ничего не боится, спокойно приближается к источнику опасности. Это его основной ход — идти напрямик на противника; выдерживает тот, кто сильнее. Это основная поза актера Жана Габена — упрямство, неуступчивость, внутренняя правота и бесстрашие. Чем более он одинок, тем более недоступен.
4. «Цели и методы». Если рядом нет его дуала, его можно принять за лентяя и болтуна. Много говорит, а сам ничего не делает, чего-то выжидает. Он и вправду выжидает, и в сущности это вопль о помощи. Бесцельно работать он не станет, а целей сам выдумывать не умеет. Только горячий энтузиаст Гексли владеет ключиком, запускающим в действие точный и безошибочный механизм Габена. Наградой Габену служит радость, которую он доставляет своим трудом. Об искренности желаний он судит по интонациям, которые его автоматически мобилизуют. И желание и радость лучше всех умеет проявлять Гексли, большой к тому же мастер выискивать таланты и искренне восхищаться ими. А Габен должен быть любимчиком. Уравниловки он не терпит. Купить его можно лишь искренними чувствами, выражаемыми глазами и интонациями.
Наилучший партнёр в браке, дружбе, работе — Гексли.
Ваша квадра (четвёрка типов, в обществе представителей которых отношения налаживаются лучше всего): Штирлиц, Достоевский, Гексли, Габен.
Ваша сильная черта — умение создавать удобную рабочую атмосферу, комфорт для себя и близких. Защищайте их интересы, они нуждаются в вас. Работайте — вы делаете это так обаятельно. Учитывайте расстановку сил, интересы других — вы это можете.
Развивайте умение понять самого себя и окружающих, чувствовать время, eгo течение, корни и основы вашей жизни.
Описание Е. Филатовой
1. Самое главное — это чистота и красота, гармония и баланс во всем, и самый верный путь к достижению этого — делать эстетичную, качественную продукцию, которая будет удовлетворять как потребительским, так и эстетическим запросам людей.
2. Я не приемлю ничего таинственного и загадочного, того, что нельзя увидеть, потрогать, в реальности чего нельзя быть уверенным.
3. Свои чувства я предпочитаю не афишировать, чаще всего выгляжу человеком спокойным и уравновешенным. Но иногда, правда, очень редко, бывает так, что я могу потерять контроль над собой и неожиданно взорваться.
Story While travelling, you’re suddenly approached by Atsushi, who asks you to act as his girlfriend, then show him the way to a well-known suicide spot. Concerned about him, you end up going there together…
Ночью офигевал от звуков пролетающих самолетов или вертолетов. Сейчас постоянные сигналки. Сердце skips a beat, и в то же время это немного раздражает. Странные все же ощущения.
Видео ограничено для китайцев. Поэтому либо нужно заходить через китайский анонимайзер, либо качать его с помощью программы (например, лось тянул при помощи Tudou Downloader)
АААААААААААААААААААААААА Like the earlier teaser trailer, the new trailer asserts that the film will be the anime's last installment, in which "it all ends here…our world." The film has a brand-new story written by original manga creator Hideaki Sorachi. +4
Только тормознуто дошел до кисс-кисс, и первый том с Сугитаном, которому приходится возиться с пьяной героиней, пххх) Переслушал три раза с ходу. Невероятно понравилось: сначала пробирало со смеху, потом успокоило и стало уютно, а в конце ваку-ваку. Вот только у меня расхождения в представлениях с чара-дизом, но это побоку. Тык, надо бы остальных послушать. ПереводKISSxKISS Collection Volume 11: Flying Kiss Character name: Nogi Yoshihiro Seiyuu: Sugita Tomokazu
[If you love me say so, or I’ll kiss you]
Track 02 prologue
“You” are a brash, headstrong, straightforward character, a ‘fist first, explanation later’ woman. As you’re stomping out from your office building angrily, a full-costume mascot, ‘Brad-chan’ calls out to you to try something (product advertisement?)… but when you lift your face, he seems to be momentarily taken aback but immediately says what’s wrong, with you looking all angry like that and so red in the face, high blood pressure? Donate some blood, you’ll feel better! You must have retorted who the hell does he think he is, because he cheerfully responds he’s the blood donation mascot, ‘Brad-chan’. Moving aside, he takes off his mascot head; it’s Yoshihiro and you both know each other from before, and appear to have been pretty close, even, but this seems to be the first meeting after some time.
He teases you on how you seem to have changed physically, before chastising you for calling him Miyu-tan, but he happily notes that its only you he who would call him like that and you must have retorted back. He does note this exchange of words is nostalgic, and points out that you’re showing such a happy face, and when you deny it, he says you’re not honest just like before. He is impressed at how you are all dressed as a proper OL now, and says this makes him feel just how much time has passed. He also teases you if your chest has grown bigger from last time, you ask what do you think, and he says now that you mention it, not really…. Of course he gets hit for that xD. He complains you’re just as violent as before, no change at all!…. though he’s somehow relieved for that. Anyway, he says you had a weird look earlier as you were walking, like you were crying or angry or something and that you’re always one whose expressions always betray your feelings. He urges you to shut your eyes, saying that he’ll cast a dose of get-happy magic on you. … He plants a kiss on you and grins, asking if you’ve gotten your cheerfulness back now. As if you’d let that pass, you slap him for that. ‘hentai’! :P You stomp off, but he tells you to stop, wait for him, he’s getting off work, he’s not going to let this fateful meeting pass just like that.
Track 03: hit and miss
In between gulping down his drink, he notes you still seem to be annoyed from earlier. He knows it’s none of his business about the work you do, but he does reassure you though, that in every sort of work, there’s bound to be ups and downs, and lousy superiors. Don’t let it get to you, just let it go, it’s natural that humans have bad attitudes… just let time take care of it! He brings up about the kiss earlier, that it was something like a cheering up method…. You comment you were shocked and he grins, like that’s bad…. Anyway, it’s his treat tonight so drink up! He pauses and mumbles seriously… about work, even if it’s hard it’s something you like right… so do your best… whatever it is you can come talk to him anytime…. What’s more, he’s liked this straightforward (honest) part of you since a long time ago …. But oi! Aren’t you listening? He’s being all cool (for once), and wait – you’re definitely drinking way too fast! – you’re going to go over your limit – but eh even as he’s saying this, you’re already opening another! – Waaa don’t spill that drink!
After what seems to be a while, he breathes a sigh ‘ah tired’, and you must have been leaning against him for he comments that you’ve finally calmed down but then notices you’ve fallen asleep. He murmurs that that defenseless sleeping face you’re showing him is troubling… he tries to call you awake as the shop’s closing, but no response… he mutters that can’t be helped then as he kisses you…
Track 04 bringing you back
He’s half dragging you past the door, in the hall, telling you to take off your shoes properly, hey don’t sit there like that get up!!... he comments you’re really helpless, and struggles to carry you, across the hall, of course not without commenting you’re heavy, go on a diet! You mumble, asking if you’re back home, and he responds it’s not your house, it’s his, but wait are you listening? You’re really terrible when you’re drunk, he hopes this is not what you’ve been doing all this time. You should be more cautious, especially since you’re a woman, you don’t know who’s going to carry you off – wait, s-s-stupid, don’t strip!!! You never ever listen to his words do you. And it’s not hot, he practically begs you to stop doing that. You must have given up and flopped down somewhere for he sighs like phew, this is bad for his heart. And wait – you want water? He grudgingly relents and brings a glass of water to you, telling you to drink it up properly, you’re going to spill it. Out of desperation, he finally threatens you that he’ll mouth feed you. He pauses as you say something, then responds with you better not regret for saying things like that. You ask for more… he relents… then, as he pulls back and notices your actions, and gently asks what do you want…. before shrieking no way, don’t vomitttt!!
Track 05 good defense
He wakes with a headache, and grumbles he’s totally beat… and there you are peacefully sleeping without a care in the world…. He kisses you lightly and then notices you’re waking up and greets you good morning.
You must have jumped at him and held him in a headlock, wrestler style, for he cries out with pain and hurriedly says wait hold on, release him, he’ll explain. He then sputters w-w-ait you’ve got it all wrong, you were the one who stripped yourself! And no, what do you mean he took advantage of you and brought you to his house, don’t just automatically think badly of people! He couldn’t help it, he didn’t know where your house was, he couldn’t just leave you at the bar; besides you were all out of it and puking everywhere, it was hard on him too! What do you mean you hate him, he really didn’t do anything… although well, he did kiss you…oouch! Stop hitting him, anyway for now put your clothes on, he’ll look the other way. He mutters to himself, shit so uncool.
He’s all quietly cursing in the corner when he notices you’re going off and runs after you telling you to wait. He hurriedly searches for pen and paper, writes his number and passes it to you, telling you you have to call him okay, he’ll be waiting.
Track 06: hidden intention
It begins with him asking you how’s the food? Good isn’t it? He gently chastises you that you’re being too quick with words, judging by the place and all, you can’t expect too much, so don’t complain. Then he laughs and responds, isn’t it? Never knew he’s good in the kitchen too right! Don’t underestimate people. You comment something, he remarks, agreed, Miyu-tan would be a good wife wouldn’t he --- wait, who you calling Miyu-tan!? --- come to think of it, reverse roles aren’t a bad idea too… right, thanks for your business. Wait, you want a beer? No way, you’re a terrible drunk and you don’t go easy on the drinks too – it’s green tea for you. He notices there’s something on your face, but you can’t seem to find where it is to wipe it off, so he points it out to you, leans forward and inadvertently kisses you… then apologises, he couldn’t help it…. You hit him again :P He complains that you’re too violent, and threatens not to give you anything to drink. You say something, and he chortles, it’s okay, what’s this about washing the plates. And who knows how many plates you’re going to break, knowing you… and even so, it’s already getting late…. suddenly he notices the time and wonders if it’s too late for you to catch the last train back. If you don’t mind, you could stay at his place… wait he doesn’t have any hidden intentions with that invite, he’s not going to do anything; besides he sleeps with a yukata on…. If you don’t want to stay, it’s fine with him. With your response, he says r-really? Then, go ahead and shower first --- wait, he’s not implying anything beyond that! … He pauses and cautiously asks i-i-is there something else? What, just say it! With your response, he answers what? That’s what you’re worried about? (… something about spin meter?? Don’t know)
Track 07: miyu’s feelings
He whispers, oooi, are you asleep? Have you really really fallen asleep? Have you really really really fallen asleep? Then he sighs, though he did say he wouldn’t do anything, he’s still a male through and through…. He sighs again. Then again he wouldn’t lift a hand, seeing how you’re sleeping so peacefully.
…. He definitely wouldn’t say this when you’re awake, but … he really loves you… all this while, ever since that time. He groans, aaah, he really can’t hold baaack! Getting an idea, he gleefully whispers, don’t wake up now… and moves in to plant a kiss on you. Then he starts freaking out with himself, in the end he just couldn’t hold back!! Aaaahhh, he just can’t fall asleeeeeeeep!!
Track 08: retry
He notices you’re awake and greets you good morning, commenting that you were sleeping like a kid, with your legs hanging down from the bed. A pause… and then he hesitantly reaches forward and awkwardly kisses you. He seems to be prepared to be hit by you, but after a while notices you’re not doing anything and seems taken aback as he ponders, what’s wrong? You’re not hitting him today… Then, he breaks the awkwardness by saying that he’s preparing breakfast and it’s almost ready… so go wash your face and put on your makeup…he clears his throat, stuttering on his words as he tries to find something else to say and blurts out… your non-existent eyebrows are scary…! (lol) Don’t you want to punch this sort of fella? Well you do just that (lol) He groans in pain and suddenly jumps up exclaiming that there’s something burning and escapes out of the room.
Once behind the closed door out in the hallway, he freaks out to himself. Wahh, that was a close call! What’s wrong with you suddenly? Until just now, each time he kissed you, you would be whacking him hard…. And then he seems to come to a realization, Oh!! c-c-c-could it be…t-t-that… you’re…. ---…. with him… *cue him being all silly* aaaahh Miyu-tan’s blushing! What to dooo – wait who’s Miyu-tan! He laughs awkwardly at himself, when you stick a hand out the door and whack him with it. He retorts that that hurts! What’s with you? … Towel? Uh yes… here… as he hands it over, you must have asked him what is he mumbling to himself about, because he stutters, n-n-n-nothing is particular! He hesitates a bit more before continuing, well, uhm… y-you know… *starts mumbling* you don’t really have to put on makeup… the way you are right now is enough… (you must have yelled you can’t hear him) he groans in frustration, urh… it’s nothing forget it!
Track 09
He warmly greets you at the door, but quickly notices that you look pale, and asks if you’re not feeling well. You answer that you promised you’d come…. He sounds bewildered and says you shouldn’t push yourself.... let’s see let’s see... you do feel quite warm. He tells you to just remain seated as he shuffles through his drawers. You say something and he responds, ah? Don’t know what you’re talking about. He’s really happy that you came all the way to his place despite feeling ill – he finds what he’s searching for (fever band aid) and shows it to you triumphantly. He probably helps you to the bed/sofa and puts the fever band aid on you. Then, he gently reprimands you; he doesn’t want you to push yourself too hard like this… He says he should have medicine stored somewhere, and goes to look for it but as he walks off, he calls out to you to stay over for the night as it’ll be hard for you to get back home in your condition.
Cue hilarious tone with one of his part-time job employers, as he asks to change his shift tomorrow. .
He brings back the medicine, and you must have heard something or asked about his job, for he answers don’t worry about it, it’s nothing and changes the topic. He asks if you would like something to eat, he could cook porridge or something, You say something, he tells you it’s okay, you just lie down and rest well, he’ll wake you once it’s done. He tucks you in, whispers take a good long rest and gives you a kiss before he moves off (and praises himself, that he was acting real cool!)
Track 10
He exclaims that he’s running late, and tells you he has to go for his part time job now. He sounds surprised with your reaction and responds that he knows that recently he’s been busy with his part time jobs and you two rarely have a chance to meet, but … it can’t be helped. He moves in to give you a kiss … and then it sounds as though you’re strangling him (lol). He chokes, and growls what is it? Stop it or he’ll get angry! You retort he probably does this (play around) with everyone and he retorts back, no such thing, you’re the only one he does all this (spending time together etc) with! What are you so worked up about?
You snap that you don’t know what your relationship with him is. He sighs, why is this cropping up now… although you’ve both not really said clearly about liking each other or if you’re both currently dating, you should already understand! You reply that you want him to state it clearly. He gets all worked up, saying how could he say such an embarrassing thing? You must have showed him your angry face, as he gets all worked up again trying to say something, failing, and then yells graaahh alright! I love you I love I love you! I just can’t help falling in love with you okay?! *rough kiss* If you got that now, go steady with me! Although to me we ARE already doing so, you are mine! #$&*#^ stop making me say such embarrassing things, he grumbles.
You whack/slap/pinch/kick him. He flinches with pain and turns around angrily, what are you doing?! But then he gets all flustered and apologises, and in a gentler tone, asks you to stop crying.
Track 11
In an exaggerated tone: Thank you for choosing me. I am the Number 1 Miyu.
^^;; He proudly asks, what do you think? He sounded cool right? … He goes on saying, tonight he is the reigning head of the Neon District. An experience with me will fire you up (burn with passion??) – something like that! *he laughs*
He pouts, wait, why are you inching away? He was definitely cute, wasn’t he? You ask him something and he retorts, he’s not cosplaying! It’s work. I’m sure you’re twisting his ears this time (lol). He flinches and protests that you’ve got it wrong, he’s not taking on any host job! He’s just helping his friend out today. I guess you release him, for he becomes all gleeful, saying that you are jealous aren’t you now? He then grins, asking, doesn’t he look good tonight? Doesn’t he give off the air of the number one host Masao? You airily remark that anyone can look good with the right clothes. He pouts, well it’s true that this is a borrowed suit, and after this he would be returning back to his job as a common labourer/worker, but man, can’t you just let him live his dream even for just one moment?
You ask why is he working so hard? He sounds surprised, he’s not told you before? He doesn’t have a dad, and actually he thought of getting a steady job after graduating from high school, but felt that no matter what, he wants to get a university education first. In addition, he also has a cuute little sister who’s studying and he’s handling all her school and tuition expenses.
He laughs all proud of himself but then pauses and sounds serious as he apologises to you for being wrapped up in his part time jobs all the time. Also, he’s sorry for making you worry. From now on, he’ll always be telling you he loooves you so be prepared. Then he says he’s going now, and teases you not to worry, no matter what sort of sexy women he comes across, he won’t betray you (two time you). As he leaves, he calls out “I love you, honey!” (lol)
Track 12
He calls out “Tadaima!” but stops short and asks, what are you doing? You answer you’re preparing dinner, and he’s all, food? You? Is this really true? He thought you couldn’t cook. Are you sure you’re able to make edible food? It’ll be bad if he gets food poisoning…. Don’t you feel like hitting him? Of course. You brandish whatever kitchen utensil you’re holding at the moment at him… he goes into defense mode, yelling, he was just joking!! Don’t hit him! Don’t hiiit him! (in respectful speech no less) Ah… isn’t it niiice, to be able to come home to a warm meal, he’s definitely the luckiest man (or successful), mm, mm.
Then he says, he really is surprised, and very happy… *kiss*, you ask… then he responds, apron? Uh…. Yea… it suits you… (to himself: scary…) He quickly says, stupid, that goes without saying… ah, don’t come so close, he’s really sweated a lot today… then he corrects you, no no, he wasn’t doing Brad chan, it’s some other part time work. He pauses and repeats after you,
“hm? It seemed like a fated encounter? What sort of embarrassing things are you saying? Ah, that, you mean the meeting outside your office building? It was definitely uncool wasn’t it, even for someone like me. It was a full suit Brad-chan costume, even. Did you perhaps think that meeting me there was by chance? … Heh, there’s no such coincidence as that. I was there specifically to meet you. I strove to catch your attention, listened to your story, and even chose which bar to go to beforehand. … What do you mean playing around, it was all out of love. L-o-v-e. … You know… right from the first time we met, I had already fallen for you. I’m not lying! … Just as I thought. Slow as you are, you didn’t notice did you. *ouch* …. So… so…. L-lov…. It was out of LOVE okay! Because.. it’s love… that… Erh… unggh, can’t hold back anymore!!! *pounces*”
(in first person perspective) Track 13 embarrassing things
*kisskisskisskiss* ~… *chuckles*.you… your ears are sensitive……. *kisskiss*~ hold on, you’re not going anywhere. Not when you’ve gotten me this excited now. ….. *kisskiss*~~ I love you….. I love you…. I really love you………. Really, really love you……..
*gets pinched* What? You said it yourself, that if I don’t say it, you won’t know…. *laugh*… hey, you say it too. Say it. Tell me that you love me. If you don’t say, I’m not gonna stop… … ah, right…. *kiss*~ me too.
(in first person perspective) Track 14
Moshi moshi.
*sighs* I knew it. You should’ve told me from the start you’ve been crying to yourself in the middle of the night. It’s hard to decipher an empty email message. No one else besides me would’ve given it any thought.
*sighs again* You’ve been scolded by your boss again? It’s okay. Listen. Don’t push yourself to do something you really don’t want to do. Whatever you choose to do, remember I’m right by your side. So don’t worry. Do what you think is right. That’s right. Believe in yourself more!
Could it be that… you didn’t want to show me this weakness? Dumbo. As if I could hate you for that. Instead, I’d be real happy if you trusted me enough to show it. It’s just like you to not want to depend on anyone. At any rate, I really can’t stand the thought of you crying to yourself in the middle of the night. It’s true.
That’s why… whenever you feel like crying, cry in front of me. No matter when, no matter where, come to my arms. I’ll stay right by your side until you feel better again. I mean it.
… Eh? What’s this. And you’re the one always telling me not to say embarrassing things. *laughs* I was just joking. …. I love you. *kiss*~ (с)
Видео промоушн(не нравится мне транслит этого слова, а) в честь выпуска 9ого тома Suicide Island от MORI Kouji. 9 двухминутных видео с минитолками от разных людей. Один из них Саку-тан.